首页 /  / 双语:“脱欧”进展连连,英国来到“至要时刻”


How quickly the fate of the UK can turn, last Monday as news broke of a call between Germany’s Angela Merkel and Boris Johnson that had almost confirmed the fears that a workable Brexit solution was all but impossible, this led to a fall in the Pound from a market already tired of falling. However, as we now start to absorb a close on the week that saw the biggest 2-day surge in the pound in over 10 years, the key question remains: Is the optimism valid?


The key development came on Thursday as sources pieces hit social media claiming that UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Ireland's Leo Varadkar had found common ground on an Irish border solution, with this being the long term sticking point in the negotiations as Johnson struggled to balance the respect for the Good Friday agreement, Ireland’s and the EU’s wishes and of course his own.  The markets were buoyant on the fact that not only were the UK and Ireland proactively talking, but agreeing.  The first wave of buying, of course, came with caution as any negative comment out of key European figures such as Barnier or Tusk could quickly stifle the surge as we had become so used to.


However, for now the EU seem to have opened the door to further negotiation, in Johnson's own words there is a long way to go to get this over the line on all sides, the significant move in the Pound could well be vulnerable to a break down in talks as we head into the crucial EU negotiations on the 17-18th.  Whilst the Pound, FTSE 100 and more so the FTSE 250 enjoyed a strong week, volatility will be at peak levels this week with the ongoing negotiations, the Queen's speech reopening Parliament and the debate on the PM’s actions and policies that will bring.


Johnson still has to get a deal through Parliament, a task that will be incredibly difficult with the SNP and Labour very unlikely to support it favouring an election/peoples vote.  Over the weekend we heard from Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn warning that he was ready for an election “anytime”, but he will do so without the support of the Liberal Democrats as leader Swinson claimed that “Jeremy Corbyn is not fit to run the country”. So, as we enter a momentous week(s) for the UK so much remains uncertain BUT there is, at last, a glimmer of the possibility of an amicable divorce, whether it was worth it in the first place remains to be seen.

约翰逊想要达成协议仍需要得到议会的支持,但苏格兰民族党和工党则不大可能会表示支持,他们更倾向于进行选举或公投。上周末,我们听到工党党魁杰里米·科尔宾警告说,他已经准备好了“随时”进行大选,但他将很难获得自由民主党的支持,因为该党党魁斯威森声称“杰里米·科宾不适合掌管英国” 。因此,这个星期对英国来说极为重要,仍然有很多不确定性。但是,至少英国与欧盟仍然有一丝“和平离婚”的可能性,尽管这次“离婚”是否是值得的还需待观察。

It was also perceived to be a good week in the US/Sino trade negotiations. As we now drift towards the point where it is in both countries interest for an acrimonious outcome it is no surprise to see the progression in the ongoing negotiations.  With the clock ticking on the October and November implementation of fresh tariffs both sides seem intent on finding a solution to avoid. With China placing one of the largest pork orders from the US last week there is physical evidence of progression. Naturally, the US stock market and indeed global stocks are enjoying this and even President Trump is lauding the progress made to date. 


With this having been such a weight on the global economy for so long the relief is only light as the key issues between the countries (Currency management and technology protection) remain undiscussed publically so perhaps that is for now why the S&P 500 remains under the 3000 area. All eyes remain on the high-level negotiations this week. 


In the Eurozone, there was a slight sign of Brexit relief last week but the troubled zone has further weight on its shoulders with the impending $7.5 billion US tariffs on Eurozone goods caused by the Airbus situation. Naturally, the EU seek to halt these tariffs which would hit their already struggling economy. Last week’s minutes of the ECB meeting passed with limited impact but over the weekend ECB Head Mario Draghi came under criticism from committee member who said that monetary policy is currently wrong, in particular, the inflation target and he hoped for better direction under the incoming former IMF Head Christine Lagarde. 





周一 Monday

· 贸易差额-中国

Balance of trade - China

· 工业产量-中国

Industrial Production - China

· 工业产量-欧元区

Industrial Production - Eurozone

周二 Tuesday

· 通货膨胀率-中国

Inflation Rate - China

· 工业产量-日本

Industrial Production - Japan

· 失业率-英国

Unemployment Rate - UK

· ZEW经济情绪-德国

ZEW Economic Sentiment - Germany ZEW

· 纽约州制造业指数

NY Empire State Manufacturing Index

周三 Wednesday

· 通货膨胀率-英国

Inflation Rate - UK

· 生产者物价指数-英国


· 贸易差额-欧元区

Balance of Trade - Eurozone

· 通货膨胀率-加拿大

Inflation Rate - Canada

· 零售业销量-美国

Retail Sales - US

· 零售业销量-美国

Business Inventories - US


周四 Thursday

· 失业率-澳大利亚

Unemployment Rate – Australia

· 零售业销量-英国

Retail Sales – UK

· 新屋开工数-美国

Housing Starts - US

· 连续失业津贴申请数-美国

Continuing Jobless Claims – US

· 工业产量-美国

Industrial Production – US

· 制造业产量-美国

Manufacturing Production – US

· 国民生产总值-俄罗斯



周五 Friday

· 通货膨胀率-日本

Inflation Rate - Japan

· 国民生产总值-中国

Inflation Rate - Japan

· 汽车产量-中国

Auto Production - China

Duncan Donald


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