首页 / 新闻资讯 / “在线咨询”助力全球抗疫,全面提升防控效率




为此,印象浙江英文网携手中国领先的互联网医疗健康平台——“微医”,上线了一款支持中英双语的“全球抗疫平台”(英文名:WeDoctor Global Consultation and Prevention Center),汇聚海内外医疗资源,向海外同胞和亿万国际友人推出新冠肺炎实时救助服务,全面抗击疫情。



At present, COVID-19 is spreading rapidly in many countries, the situation is grim. In the process of pandemic prevention and control, the Internet plays a pioneering role in the process of helping to fight the pandemic by virtue of its speed, convenience, and high efficiency. Faced with the difficulties of medical material shortage and patients’ travel inconvenience in various countries, the Internet medical model of "Online Consultation" can effectively divert patients online and relieve the pressure offline, and at the same time, provide professional expert guidance for patients, remote support for user consultation requirements.

To this end, in collaboration with the China International Exchange and Promotion Association for Medical and Healthcare and the China Famous Alliance, In Zhejiang English website hands in hand with China’s leading Internet medical and health platform - "WeDoctor" to launch the "WeDoctor Global Consultation and Prevention Center" which supports English-Chinese bilingual languages, bringing together medical resources from home and abroad, and offering 24/7 real-time online consultation services, to comprehensive fight against the pandemic.

The platform has extensively recruited doctors from the country’s first-class public hospitals, covering all medical departments such as respiratory, otolaryngology, internal medicine, general medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, pediatrics, gynecology, endocrinology, cardiovascular medicine, orthopedics, urology, infectious diseases, neurology, digestive medicine, and so on. 

The platform provides 24/7 online free consultation, free psychological assistance, epidemic prevention tips and online consultation of traditional Chinese medicine and other services. Users can use email address or their mobile phone numbers to sign up for online consultation and treatment services by clicking the link: https://promo.guahao.com/en/global/pneumonia?_cp=yxzj_en&cs=share .

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